This catalogue includes all papers, documents, reviews, bibliographies etc discovered on the Internet that are relevant to Conductive Education. These items are arranged by subject and include all known bibliographic details wherever possible. There is a list of subjects on the right-hand side, just click to access items in that area.

Please note that none of the items have been evaluated for quality. That is a job for readers: it is not the role of a library. Inclusion in this catalogue indicates solely their existence on the Internet.

Please also note that items with two red stars next to the author's name are only available to purchase and not accessible without payment.


Saturday 8 May 2010

Conductive Education development

Sutton, A. ( 2001) Conductive education ; the way of the future. Keynote address to the conference Stepping into the 21st century with Conductive Education: an inspirational insight. University of Southampton, 2001.

Sutton, A. (2008) Conductive Education : whatever next.
Transcript of Radio 4 You and Yours programme, – Did Conductive Education ever achieve what it claimed? Broadcast 12 March 2004.

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